Serious Talk


It is through language that we create the world, because it’s nothing until we describe it. And when we describe it, we create distinctions that govern our actions.

/  francisco varela  /

Serious talk does not come naturally. We are social beings, fiercely intent on defending our social status. That is why our natural instincts drive us to suppress thoughts, deflect critique and justify past actions. Failure or unwillingness to discuss such matters results in what is called “functional stupidity.” It is not a matter of smartness or intelligence. Functional stupidity in individuals and organisations arises when fear of conflict, loyalty or plain laziness takes precedence over honesty, creativity and curiosity.



 Serious talk is an antidote to functional stupidity as it creates a space where important issues can be discussed frankly. In doing so, it promotes exploratory thought, i.e. multiple points of view.  Greek philosophers called this “suspension of judgment” for “epoché”. Exploratory thought is inclusive in the sense of being social. When a group sits down to share perspectives, and is capable on focusing on the subject matter rather than the social interaction, something magical happens. For it is often by describing a phenomenon, not by passing judgment on it, that we understand it more fully and can make sense of it.  Francisco Varela has it right: we create the world through language and in doing so, both as individuals and in groups, we see the world we describe and can give it sense.